幸せ // 2015 Thursday, 18 February 2016 | 0 comment[s] Happiness. // 2015
So like, hey. It's been awhile since I've posted anything on here really. I felt like updating today to be honest but then again... By "today" it'll just end up being updating bits and pieces then posting the post days, weeks if not months later. HAHAHAHA. Oh wells, it's a bad habit you should be able to recognise now. (・ω・)ノ
Firstly, let's start off with a summary of term one. Despite it only being one term, it was flat out hectic! I think it was the second week of school? But we had swimming carnival. For that day I wore my incomplete Meiko costume and because I forgot my belt, I couldn't adjust the height of my skirt. :( It honestly was too high for my liking but luckily, I had bike shorts 'cause I got told a week later I think, that it was really up high. LOL.
School photos in the same week. It's funny because it's the last year so people would normally think that I'd try harder for the school photos. Heh, funny joke I got so lazy so I just tied it up and left it like that and took a really messy photo. But then again, we had really bad photographers this year so yeah LMFAO.
There was Valentines' Day next. It was so busy selling roses. I eventually lost majority of my break selling and thus didn't get to eat much really. However, it was all worth it when we sold nearly all of it. :) The process of wrapping them up, sorting them out as well were extremely stressful! But we eventually finished, two hours at least faster than the previous year which I personally think was a huge achievement considering it only took us four hours!! So good! Good job to everyone who was there but like everyone else has said: Shout out to my little sister for wrapping up approximately 400 roses! Little does she know, and I may not show it, but I'm proud of this little one. Especially with her achievements and all. :')
Leaders' Retreat happened and I must say, I do somewhat regret it considering that I missed out on two days of school. Considering that the Thursday consists of all my core subjects of Maths B, Chemistry, English and Maths A. D: It didn't help that I also missed out on Friday's maths b either. I had to really catch up. And the funny thing was that I am pretty sure that I am the only one out of the whole leaders' retreat who brought homework to camp. HAHAHAHAHA. But hey, it was interesting to know that I was the only one cooped up in their room for half the time trying to rewrite notes for Chemistry. LOLOL. Then again... I kind of wanted to play pool... :( But we did do a lot of activities at the retreat and they were really cool! Took a whole bunch of photos with the girls in my cabin through Phuong-Uyen's camera (holy crap dude. I am in so much LMFAO). She like, took one of me in the process of tying up my hair and to be frank... It's kind of embarrassing really. Because like, I guess it's because you can see my outline? LOL. I dunno, I just get embarrassed to those type of things yet I don't get embarrassed from flashing people. Oh gees, something is most definitely wrong with me. LOL. But all in all, I made friends with my two favourite girls in grade eight: Lili and Yifei!! They're two such cutie patooties. Seriously. The food there was alright really, sometimes better than I expected, sometimes worse than I expected. Oh, there was a time where I was jumping up and down 'cause I was feeling bloated right? Next thing I know it, I had a whole line following suit. So weird yet strangely hilarious. :') At night when we were meant to all sleep... We didn't sleep. LOL. The girls in my cabin started a deep and meaningful conversation circle and I must say, it really did get emotional. Haha. I told them about my past relationship 'cause I guess I kind of wanted to see if I could get it off my chest if I could say it out loud... And it helped, despite it leaving me somewhat choking at the end. HAHAHA. But one of the girls were like "But that's in the past right? Do you like someone now?" My response... "To be honest, I think I do..." But thinking about it now, I was in that phase where I really did have a thing for him. Totemo hazukashii desu. But it's true. 'Cause I couldn't not stop talking to him at the retreat until 12 and I had to force myself to go to sleep. HAHAHAHA. Embarrassingly, I went to sleep with a smile that night. :$ But during the retreat, it was raining quite heavily to the point that we were at risk of getting flooded so we had to go home about a hour earlier than usual. We got back, and I crashed my Japanese class. Literally jumped onto the window and went: "HI GUYSSSS!" HAHAHAHAHA. SCARED THEM SO BAD :D. Was so much fun. And then it was home time. Oh, I kinda teased my crush at the time after school and was like: "Where's my welcome back hug huh?" His response: "I would've, except your mum was there." Made me smile. Hehe. :3 But yeaaahhhh. All in all, I don't regret going to the Leaders' Retreat, I just wished that they had put it at a better time considering it was in the middle of term. :(
The following event that I'm going to describe now is something that I'm going to hold really dear to me so it gets its very own paragraph hehe. So basically: 27 February, it was Tet. Normally I wouldn't expect much but I this year I hung out with a couple of friends (we went on rides and stuff) before I eventually ditched them. :') Sorry guys. The reason why I ditched them was because of my crush. I kind of forced him to come sooooo... HAHAHA. :$ Umm, so basically we hung out after he went to go buy me a drink (he took my joke seriously when I kidding about buying me a drink, such a gentlemen). He even accompanied me around, and tried forcing me to eat. HAHAHA, omg, I made him feel so bloated HAHAHAHAHA. This is embarrassing to admit but I'm legitimately smiling so fondly at the memory right now. :$ Like, I remember teasing him about something and then he tried chasing after me while I ran around a group of friends of mine (we happened to bump into each other at the time). He didn't catch me though so. :3 HAHAHAHA. But yeah, he even accompanied me when I had to go back to meet up with my parents! (To the person who knows what I'm talking about, I'm actually so sorry for ditching you and making you stand alone at the time. D:) When I finished with meeting up with my parents I went back to him and started teasing him over something. I think this was after I met up with one of my other friends again. But I started teasing him again before he started tackling me and back hugging me. At this point, I was squealing and laughing and smiling. Then my crush goes: "I was actually waiting to do this on my birthday but, will you go out with me?" Before I could even say anything, one of my classmate comes and kills the vibe instantly. HAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG, SO FUNNY BUT EMBARRASSING AS. HAHAHAHA. "Is she your little birdie?" He says. Omg. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. But nonetheless I said yes! So I was really happy for the rest of the night hehe. When it was time for me to go, he hugged me and actually tried picking me up! I was in a dress at the time so I said "please don't". To be honest, I probably wouldn't have let him try either way since I was so self-conscious about my weight and size at the time so yeah. :p 27/02. <3 So my school held an excursion to go see "Wicked" the musical and it was sooooo good! I swear to god I can just imagine the two main characters as Linh and Mimi. Not even kidding. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I like, wore my black dress and black boots... Only because one of my friend told me to wear it since she said she was gonna be the only one wearing a dress. Later, I found out that there was more. LOL. Oh, I applied make up for the first time EVER. And it took a hella long time. Man, I don't know how other girls can do this for so long. LOL. Funny thing is it wasn't even noticeable unless you look really close. :D We bought food and wth, it's so expensive i'm not even kidding. Four dollars for a bottle of water and seven dollars for a salad... that didn't even taste good at all. It was so plain and dry. T_T Like, the group of friends I was sitting with decided to mix it all up with something else, I think it was the dipping sauce and then they dared me to eat it. I did... And it tasted so weird. HAHAHA But despite the food tasting so bad, the night overall was pretty good. :) Then there were the exams and assessments holy snap. I don't even want to talk about those. Like, I had to take exams during the middle of another lesson and I got so stressed over music it isn't even funny. :c ----------- I would love to edit this but eh. Not bothered to post a year worth of stuff. It would be nice to have something to remember it by so I'll keep them simplified 'cause blogger doesn't accept long posts it would seem. :') And well, to be frank I can't remember them at all so I'm just basing it off my instagram photos HAHAHAHA On going term 1: - Outing with Ha, Thao, Tammy, Annie and Peter. Originally for formal which didn't happen. Karaoke where Thao lost her voice and I truly enjoyed the time with him. Lost my first kiss to him on the bus. Funny how it was only on half of my lips because I reacted weirdly (he grabbed my face) LOL. Was fun though - Got a new family member. Tofu the cat. Just imagine a slightly torched tofu. Yeah, that's her colour. Term two: - Had a UQ Japanese excursion. Sad moment how I was the only one in Corinda who was separated. I was by myself in a group of strangers. LOL. Had an activity where we could've came first but lost by a few minutes sadly. :( But it was eventful! - My wonderful English teacher got married! I prepared a little gift for her to which I hope she liked. It was a canvas with a painted ring (credits to me but credits to original artist since I copied it), "congratulations!" on the bottom and just words of congratulations all around it from our english class. Looking back at it now, it was a truly cute thing. - Athletics Day! Nearly ALL the captains dressed up and it was absolutely amazing. I went in my maid costume which was white - the colour for Moori. And it was funny because there were some teachers who were dissing me. "Is that really appropriate?" Umm. Miss? Please do that when I'm out of earshot thanks. :) - I got my Ls a day before the price went up so thank god. HAHAHA. But well, right now (six months+ later) I've only got two and a half hours so that isn't really good. :/ - Went out to celebrate Suzanne's birthday three days early. Out with Hannah, Eddy, Annie, Annie (Suzanne's cousin), Peter, Suzanne and another of Suzanne's cousin to who I forgot her name. Jessica was it? It was fun despite having to leave early. I got so mad at my dad for cutting my fun time short just because he wanted to go fishing. Lol. Still hate it when he thinks he can just my life for his means to be honest but eh. Nothing I can do about it. And thinking about it now, I guess I was hurt that Peter would leave me to go home by myself though. Lolol. Meh - Captains meeting at Hello Squirrel owned by one of my ex teachers: Mr Cullen. The food there is actually sooooooo goooooood! 11/10 would go back. We had a lot of planning done then so I was satisfied. On that day, I took out my siblings, cousin and brother's friends too and they just hung around in the city until I was finished. I just hope that they had fun though. From what I remember, we also watched a movie? Forgot what it was though but I swear it was good LOL Term three: - We got our senior jerseys! Got a picture with the other Vivian and Vi and we became the trio! Despite not hanging out at all with these two girls I really enjoyed calling them fellow triplets. You have to admit though, it was cool to see our jersey's name all next to each other. "VI NGUYEN | VIVIAN | TRAM-NGUYEN" It seriously looked so good. Hehe - Went to Creative Generation to support one of my classmates and then it turned out that one of my ex classmate who moved to another school was also one of the featured artists! I was sooooo proud! And the show was unexpected good too so I was happy and I don't regret going. - I had my first ever buddy to whom I must thank for. Thank you, Tsugumi-chan, for helping me build up my confidence by being your buddy. Thank you for cheerfulness, your smile and your adorable cluelessness. One day, I will go back to Nigata to meet you again. I'll try my best to. And while I'm at it, I'll probably visit my old host family too. - Movie night was so good! Although I did wish Peter was there and I do wish I should've expressed my annoyance at him for not going instead of just accepting it and saying it was okay but it's okay now. Lesson learnt. Funny how he said that he was scared that our leniency would ruin the relationship to which it did. This guy can predict the future. HAHAHA. Oh wells. I bought quite a lot of snacks to which we didn't even eat all of it. So I just brought it home and shared it with the family. - THEN THE FATEFUL DAY CAME. The day Peter broke up with me. Three days before our six months. So it ended on the 24 August. Heh, August. Reason why I don't like that month anymore despite it being my birth month. But eh, you can figure out what happened on from there. - Got my braces off! Yes! After two years, it felt soooooo good. HAHAHA And my smile in that photo's actually pretty good so heh. Term four: - I had another buddy: My Thai buddy, Paul or Pupha. Only reason I got another buddy was because no one in my class volunteered and my friend volunteered for me instead HAHAHA I don't mind it honestly but he's such a hard worker it's a pity that I can't help him that much. But he's surprising so good at maths - and the reason why is because they don't use calculators so I'm like "holy crap" HAHAHA - Multicultural night! I have a post about it but it doesn't expand and let's just say that despite technical difficulties we managed to finish on the exact time I predicted so that was hilarious. HAHAHA Everyone did an amazing job and I'm really proud of them. May it be the performers, food suppliers or helpers. It wouldn't have happened without the effort that they put in so I'm happy. - And then formal and graduation! To which you probably already all know about heh. Well. That pretty much sums up 2015 in one way or another LOL. |