Graduation Friday, 20 November 2015 | 0 comment[s] I'm gonna keep this post short because there really isn't much to say. So without further ado... I've finally graduated! I guess the feeling hasn't really hit me because I still feel neutral about it. ._. Or then again, it's probably because I cut majority of my emotions. Hmm. Who knows. Not feeling as much as I should be. Oh wells. I'll probably feel it soon, I hope. Because I really don't want to be emotionless for long but then again, I want to be like this until I forget about him - so that I can get over him. I'm just done. I've heard all these things about him - about what he thinks about me so I'm just done. I'm over it. I just want to get rid of these damn feelings that I can't seem to let go. So my only solution was to just cut them off. But I graduated and I'm good. First thing I did when I got home was house chores. Like, who the heck does house chores just when they graduate? What. But yeah. Pretty much all I did aside from the constant graduation updates on Facebook. Looool. Welp, it's time for me to sleep considering that I have an outing tomorrow. Let's just hope that I'm lively so that these girls don't catch on. They have enough on their plates as it is. They don't need more. |