#SleepyPhilosophy Saturday, 20 February 2016 | 0 comment[s] Alrightiooooo. So I got suggested to do this thing where I post deep stuff on my blog and while I was giving advice to my friend, I was quite sleepy so I came up with that headline HAHAHAHA So starting from now I'll post some "deep" stuff once a week or something like depending if I get any prompts because well, I can't type on the whim. I need a reason otherwise my brain doesn't function quite well. So if you have any suggestions just comment in that box towards your left... Yeah, that blue one right there, and I'll check it and I'll post something in relation to it. :) But in other news, this new template took me two-three hours to finish. Well, three but I took a shower so it's two HAHAHA. But seriously, I need help. I've dug a hole too deep for this person. Even surgery at this rate won't be able to save me. HAHAHAHA Much love for him <3 |