傷心: Stockings and shirt Monday, 11 August 2014 | 0 comment[s] It's not even three weeks yet but my stockings already has a hole in them HAHAHA. Like, I wore them this morning, adjusting it, I feel something cold touching my skin, I look down, there's a freaking hole. HAHAHAHA. GOD DAMN. SO SAD.
And then there's this shirt which I'm starting to despise so much. Freaking new school uniform. It's so bloody itchy. :c What's sad is that it wasn't itchy when I tried it yesterday too. :c Man, stupid shirt. Gonna be so annoyed the whole day because of this. :(
Day was the usual I guess.
Did an experiment in Chemistry to see the reactions of exothermic and endothermic. For some reason only I could feel the extremely faint hint of heat from the expthermic reactions. The endothermic reactions were so easy to feel lmfao. So cold, there was one that dropped to six degrees and thinking about it now. I thought it felt familiar and right now, I realised it was the same temperature from when I was in Japan lol.
We currently have no net because my dad did something and therefore I'm using my phone net to type this. Haha. Also explains why I can't change the template yet lol. Should change it soon.
Just earlier, I went onto Facebook and... pretty much felt a lot of pain haha. I had a really nice dream this morning that made me smile. And the thing is, it was about Davison too haha. But now, we can't be together anymore. Because for one, my heart just can't handle it anymore. I don't know if I can trust him or anyone with it anymore haha. I told him that he can try to regain it since that was what happened when I lost his haha. When I asked him would he break up with me again and if he would hurt me again, he said he wasn't 100% sure so we can't get back together anymore haha.
I really wanted to do something tomorrow so that I could get my mind off things. Because honestly, this hole is so deep I probably won't be able to hold it in for long... Haha...