傷心: Ekka Holiday Wednesday, 13 August 2014 | 0 comment[s] Welp, I ended up going to the city as a family. HAHAHA. Originally, I was going to go out with just my siblings but I think my mum got really worried so she didn't go to work and went with us instead. :D Lmfao, took the train there and went to eat then parents gave us money to do what we wanted to. Parents were acting lovey-dovey and I guess, I wish I had a relationship like that with someone. Haha. First off, we went to the fun house since that was what little brother wanted lmfao. We used some of the left over coins we had and just played games LOL. Brother wanted to use the fifty dollar note we were given but instead I gave him the twenty dollar note I had in my wallet instead so that we could play lol. After staying for awhile, we went down and went looking for shorts lol. Well, I needed black shorts for the multicultural night performance thingy so yeah. Couldn't find any so I just took siblings to go get some frozen yoghurt. (Y) I got two flavours thinking that it would've been good for my dad but yeah... Taro was sour af. HAHHAHA. God damn. But yeah. Stayed there for about half a hour before going home. Since there was nothing else to do. After that, I pretty much just spent the majority of the time trying to fix the internet. Lolol. I probably can do it myself now but, I think it's better if I don't. Don't want to screw anything up now. HAHAHAHA. But yeah, I think that like, took a hour or so trying to fix lol. Kept on trying to get into this certain browser except it wasn't available or something so I couldn't. Went out to eat dinner. Couldn't eat much. Honestly felt full after one tiny as bowl but I forced myself to eat haha. Little brother the little fatty ate like, three bowls HAHAHA. Pretty much how I spent my Ekka holiday. Lol. Oh wells. I know I said I woudn't mention you anymore so I guess this is my last time. I don't even know if you read it anymore but yeah... Thank you, Davison. For changing and making me into a better person. Edit: Oh and, I was wondering... Would it just be better if I just used Vintage blossom but use some stuff from Dark World? Like, that grayscale photo of the girl, I could use something similar and put it in Vintage Blossom? Since the background of Dark World seems hella hard to change. Haha. |