傷心: Help? Saturday, 9 August 2014 | 0 comment[s] Guys, help me choose a new skin blog. Honestly, I was going for something dark but... really, something like that wouldnt fit my personality you see. :p Which one is prettier or has a easier concept to use? 1. Dark World: http://www.blogskins.com/info/407391 or 2. Vintage Blossom: http://www.blogskins.com/info/407976 But yeah. So I found out, that I pissed Davison off so much with the post. Honestly, I didn't think he'd still be reading this haha. I didn't think that'd happen to be honest, I just didn't think he'd read it. Especially on a time when I just wanted to vent everything out and not think at all. So I ended up talking to him the whole morning. From seven thirty to well, now really. (Which is about 1:50 PM.) I really miss talking to him but... At times.. The things I type I have to backspace because of our situation. When we started talking in the morning I ended up crying because of what he said. But yeah, either way, I'm enjoying the conversations we're having despite the fact that I have to backspace stuff. At Vietnamese school, since sister sprained her ankle I'm trying to look after her. Problem: She never picks up her phone >> I ended up missing out on quite a few stuff during class as a result so yeah lol. She wanted to skip school but she ended up going and then the second half of it she wanted to go home. But.. She ended up staying in the car for the whole time HAHAHA. Sigh, when she couldn't pick up the phone after five calls I got so god damn worried. Sigh. And then there's my eating problem. I can eat, but I get full so easily or I'm hungry but I can't eat at all. Right now, I'm the latter which is a big issue. LOL. I'll probably go find something small to snack on.. Maybe an ice-cream. :o
Edit: It's like midnight at the moment but after talking to Davison the whole day, he really made my day to be honest. So, thank you, Davi, for making my day with your god damn derpiness. I'm glad that be agreed (or rather you allowed it) for us to be friends and best friends nonetheless despite everything. Thank you.