#SleepyPhilosophy - 3. Lost Love Saturday, 19 March 2016 | 0 comment[s] "Why do people want to go back to a relationship that they ended?" At first (normally for guys) it's because they miss that lack of support that was there. For guys, having a girl by their side is like an anchor for them. They support them, encouraged them and was always there at the end of the day if the boys ever needed someone to go to. And once that girl is gone all that's left is just emptiness. A certain void - the lack of having someone who understood yet never judged them. So when guys want to get back into a relationship that they once lost it's stereotypically because they just want someone to be there for them again. Because it's apparently "gay" to rant their feelings to other guys so the only choice is to turn to a girl. But boys have this mind set to keep cool and independent (usually) so they won't do it to just anyone. Only to their girl but what if their girl is gone? Then they want her back because they just want to fill in that emptiness. Likewise, when it's the girl who wants to get back it's generally something similar to what guys want. But they miss the comfort instead, the love that they received, the special treatment that they got. They want to fill that loneliness that they could only a partner could give. They want to create more memories together with the partner - because if it's one thing that a girl treasures (as long as they have a clean break up without any poisonous feelings) then it's the memories. The time and effort that they've given to someone is irreplaceable. But overall, there could be other factors that could contribute in wanting a past lover back. And that, is something that we, as a human, cannot control. Especially our emotions. And heart.
Requested by Mr. K.