ベトナム Thursday, 19 February 2015 | 0 comment[s] Vietnam I honestly don't remember anything at all but I have some stuff written while I was in Vietnam so I guess that should do. LOL. 25/12 CHRISTMAS!!! And all I did was read manga and play my DSi. Wow. ._. My holiday is so boring LOOL. 26/12 Boxing Day! I think I went around with parents and stuff and I realised... I've been really rude these days. :/ I don't even know how I've changed but I'm gonna try to change back haha. :/ 28/12 Beach time!! Parents took us to Bo Dang and to be honest, I wasn't planning to go into the beach at all but in the end I did. LOL. Unlike my siblings, I didn't get wet. Huehuehue. But then again, I did spend majority of my time trying to catch crabs so yeah LMFAO. My aunt managed to find a hermit crab and man, I was surprised. First time seeing one really that's not behind a glass panel. We caught a couple of crabs but now, I honestly have no idea where they all went LOLOL. 29/12 I touched down in Nha Trang at about nine at night and all I did on the hour plane ride was draw. Lol. I really hate proportions and heads. They're so hard to draw. Sighhhh. But before that, we stayed in Saigon (or Ho Chi Minh City) until we had to go to the airport. During that time all we did was hang in the mall and play arcade games. LOL. You know you've been smacking mosquitoes a lot when you manage to kill more mosquitoes than your siblings in a smacking game. LOL 30/12 Spent all day playing games and we are going out to have sushi as dinner. Honestly, I'm so bloody peeved because I bought new shoes that went along with this dress I bought over to Vietnam JUST because I didn't have shoes that went with it. GAAAHHHH. Fast forward a couple of hours later. I guess I was annoyed for no reason. LMFAO. Because we didn't end up having sushi but seafood instead. Because of that, we ate outside and since it was cold as, I am so glad I didn't wear a dress. LMFAO. 01/01 HAPPY NEW YEARS. I pretty much spent the whole day, playing games on my phone. HAHAHAHA I NEED HELP. I did at least luckily, manage to exercise a bit. Crossed three bridges with my mother and brother. LMFAO. YEEEE. At night, parents and relatives took us to Nha Trang center to play games. We were walking there but my aunt got really tired apparently so we had to catch the taxi. I personally wanted to walk more but yeah... I couldn't lol. We ended up having dinner (pizza) there. I ended up using most of my coins to play with siblings lolol. Basketball and gun shooting for the win. By the end of the night I had eight left over. Sister had five and brother had seven. Sister lost one because some chick stole her coin (when she put in a coin, some random chick came straight up and took the machine from her) and brother got scammed by a machine. LOL. It said to put in another coin (just one) to continue and he did but nooo, it wanted another one. So yeah, basically he got scammed. Oh wells. We then started to walk home but then we kind of got lost so we called a cab. Lolol. 02/01 Today was my mum's birthday and to celebrate it, we took a trip to Da Lat which is like, a four hour drive away near the mountaintops. It was not a fun bus ride at all. LOL. Nausea at its worst. When we got there, we instantly checked in to our hotel and there was only two bed. ._. We ended up asking for a mattress but yeah. We all managed to get some sleep lol. Since we only got there 11 am we went to the shops. Guess what? You probably know I don't cry over things unless they hurt like hell right? Well, I got whacked straight in the eye by my little sister. >> She didn't even apologise so I got hella annoyed because she claimed that it wasn't her fault. My eyes literally swelled from that. God damn. But yeah, went shopping and ate and stuff. I bought a scarf just because the place that I'm going to mention in the next few seconds was really cold. Okay, so my mum took us to this place right and oml. It was hella packed and noisy!! I had to cover my ears the entire time because I couldn't handle it. Seriously. In the middle or something one of the people managing or working there placed this jug of wine in front of mine. Literally. It was so weird. LOL. I DIDN'T DRINK ANY THOUGH, DON'T WORRY. There was this one dancer who really stood out and I felt so bad for her because like during one of the activities, this guy was drunk (a guy from the audience) and couldn't carry her AND SHE ALMOST HIT HER HEAD ONTO THE GROUND. TWICE. D: And then she had to carry him around this huge as bonfire four times and he was like, double her size... Felt so sorry for her. But yeah... We got home and I guess it was an alright night. Good way to celebrate my mum's birthday I guess :) Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY. I LOVE YOU DESPITE EVERYTHING. ❤️❤️ |