ã‚ャンプ Monday, 22 December 2014 | 0 comment[s] Camp 24/11 First day of camp and oml, I almost came to school late. HAHAHAHA. MANNNN. But I luckily didn't. I was put on the last bus - being a Tram-Nguyen and stuff - and I ended up falling asleep on the bus. ._. LOL. When we got to the site we went into our cabins (I was dorming with Ha, Nina, Thanh-Thao, Kairi, Ammaarah, Charlie and Hannah) and we just hung around there until lunch. Lunch was alright. LOL. After lunch we went into our activities. I had high ropes. So it's basically similar to tightrope walking except you can grab onto stuff. The first one I went on... I COULDN'T EVEN GRAB THE ROPE. T_T I was so sad man. I had to use my feet to bring it towards me. /crying over short arms. Then it was dinner and some night activities. BLAAAAAAGHHHH. I would actually write more stuff but it being a couple if months now I don't remember nothing. :( Soz guys. All I know is that I hit my head onto the legs on the pamper pole, I turned really dark, I was last in the cycling and canoeing exercise and I really dislike the "30 metres" thing. :( |