æ„›: Rio 2 Tuesday, 8 July 2014 | 0 comment[s] So, we were meant to go out yesterday but we couldn't because in the end, we didn't have enough time. Lmfao. We were meant to watch How to Train Your Dragon 2 at the Sunny bank then but today, my dad decided to go to South bank instead 'cause it was cheaper. We could've arrived at south bank a lot earlier but sister decided to take a shower... A minute before we left the house. Parents got so pissed off because of that. Lmfao. Scary. My little brother and I just sat in the car mucking around. Lolol. We got to south bank, turns out that HTYD2 was full. :| Mum was like "Do you want to go home then?" But I felt bad for having to taken almost a half a hour drive to get to south bank so I asked if we should watch another movie. The only other thing that we could actually watch was Rio 2. I personally wanted to watch it in 2D since I strongly dislike wearing the 3D glasses and it kills my eyes but it was full so we had to watch it in 3D. QQ. We then had to wait a hour and during that time, siblings went to go play in the fun house while I walked around with my mum. I felt bad that she hadn't eaten anything yet especially coming home straight from work and then going to the movie with us. In the end, she didn't eat anything since well, they were expensive af and she wasn't in the mood to eat. :/ Soon, we joined my siblings in the fun house and like, I swear to god the stuff in there are so rigged. == DDR for example (but this was from awhile back), like if you fail once it's instant game over. And then there's this shooting one. I was going to play it with little brother but his one didn't even work... Freaking waste of money lmfao. But the only good thing there is the air hockey table. Spacious and smooth so it works really well. I also tried playing basketball with siblings. My god the balls were so flat they didn't even bounce properly. So stupid. Then it was time for the movies. Mum bought popcorn and I was glad that she was at least eating something. Sister ended up eating most of it though since she's like "I want to hold it" and stuff. Lmfao. Overall, the movie was entertaining a bit just hella predictable at most stages. Lmfao. |