æ„›: Dress Sunday, 6 July 2014 | 0 comment[s] So after waking up at ten (well, obviously I'm gonna wake up at that time after staying up until two), and watching anime on the computer I just pretty much did nothing. About a hour or two later, I went shopping with mum and sister. I originally just went to go buy books to read so yeah. In the end, I bought some clothing as well. :o There was this blue checkered dress which I found cute but... When I tried it on, I freaking looked fat. HAHAHAHA. I guess this is the problem of having big hips :p Sigh. I bought it either way but I was starting to regret it since I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to wear dresses often. Like, I have a few others in there yet I barely wear it. :/ Sigh. My mum was like "Do you like this?" I found it cute and everything but I had an issue. It showed my back. I am so self-conscious about my back (Davison should know why) and like, it's not even funny. Sighhh. :( Later in the day I went to my aunt's to eat. I was mucking around with my first-cousin-once-removed (Kayden) and holy crap. He is one playful fella. HAHAHA. LIKE, he accidentally head butted my cheekbone and I wouldn't be surprised if it left a bruise. LMFAO. For example, I'd pretend that he's managing to push my face away (despite at times he actually slaps me HAHAHA). LOL. After awhile, his little brother (Khai) woke up and then he gradually started playing with me too. We'd open and close this exercising machine thing and Khai would start laughing. Then out of nowhere, Kayden started yelling and screaming and Khai joined in. Khai was facing me so I leaned back as though he was loud. :p These two little kiddies are so cute. :3 Then there was their sister (Kimberly but I call her Kimmy) and like, she jumped on my back yelling "Piggy back". I swear, she's the only one who wants to get piggy back from me every time she sees me. LOL. Literally, ALWAYS. I come in. "VY!" *runs up to me and starts clinging onto my leg* "PIGGY BACK! PIGGY BACK!" HAHAHA. My god. :') |