Sixth of December ❤︎ Thursday, 10 January 2019 | 0 comment[s] I knew long distance was going to be painful but I didn't think it would be this painful. I get these throbbing in my chest when I start missing him and it just hurts. I miss him. I miss his hands. I miss his warmth. I miss him being in my arms. I miss the feeling of having his arms around me. I miss his head pats. I miss his smile. I miss his laugh. I miss his kisses. I just really miss him. During these two months so much has happened and my affection for this guy has just, grown. While I was overseas we'd call really often. It got to the point where I am so attached to his voice. We also video called too and it was honestly really nice. Being able to see him made me happy and smile a lot, especially if I could see his reaction when I'm teasing him HAHAHA And recently he interacted with some of my little cousins and it honestly made my heart swell up. He is so incredibly cute. He humoured them with their jokes and teases and it was so pure and sweet. He has been there for me when I've been constantly complaining about the person who I went on the exchange with. He's made me feel so special. He constantly gives me butterflies and fuzzes (to the point where I want to cry) - yes, even up to this day. He makes my fears go away. He makes me feel loved. He actually respects me. He doesn't make me feel as though I'm alone. I don't have to worry about pulling back. I don't worry about feeling as though I'm a nuisance. I've realised there has been a lot of things where my ex has kind of made it hard for me to do stuff. I didn't realise how much he actually affected me until now but, slowly but surely I'm getting over it thanks to my partner. I really, really appreciate my boyfriend. He's done so much for me that I sometimes worry that I don't do enough for him. He's trying so hard to make this work and it honestly makes me so happy and loved, and I can't wait for him to come up again soon. I'll try my best to spoil him as much as he has spoiled me, because honestly? This guy deserves so much. And hopefully, I'll be able to give him as much as I can. Hey Brandon? I love you. ☺️💕 |