When crying turns into a sob fest Saturday, 1 December 2018 | 0 comment[s] I've recently realised that when I actually do cry it becomes a full on sob fest. Yesterday was just a bad day. I had no energy from the little sleep I managed to get - less than three hours and a two hour nap. Then I had work. I was meant to start at 6 but I got called in early for no reason whatsoever. My boss made it sound like it was busy and that it got to the point that one of my co workers has to go in and out to help. So I agreed - I needed the money anyways. But I got there. And it turns out that I wasn't needed. At. All. They had only had one take away order in the hour. Then she called in one of my other co workers to come in. She had originally planned for him to come in at 5 but he said he couldn't so she told him to come in at 5:30. The thing with this, is that he also was not needed. Sure, I understood later that it was to train him in the kitchen but what the fuck. At least ask us if we want to work in the kitchen. Sure, maybe we can help out if it's busy but if you're short hand then fucking find a new worker. Because I knew that my friend was just angry. He didn't want to come in. I had noticed during work that I had received a call from my grand aunt. And then another one a hour later. Then fucking three more calls half hour later after that. All she wanted me to do was pick up fried rice that no one asked for. I had no energy and all I wanted to do was go home, shower and rest. But no. I couldn't even do that because I had to fucking go out of my way to go to her house. She even called my sister to tell me. But my sister had told her that I was at work and that I couldn't get it. But she insisted and didn't even listen to my sister when she said that no one wanted it and that I'd be tired after work. I was just so mad. And tired. And had absolutely no energy to deal with the shit that I just. Broke down in the car. I fucking sobbed. I ended up having to stay in the car for an extra 20 minutes or so just to calm down and stop sniffling. My eyes were slightly swelled and red, my nose was red and even my breathing was quivering. I was just too tired. Though, I did want to mention a thank you to a certain someone who offered to call when I was just ugly sobbing lmao. I honestly wouldn't have been able to say a single thing and all they would've heard was just me sobbing. Although, if they had just straight up called me instead of asking, I would've picked up. Despite that, the gesture was what really mattered and it made me happy. So, thank you. I really appreciate it. |