Melbourne 2018 Sunday, 9 December 2018 | 0 comment[s] I've been in Melbourne for the past few days and it's been a really nice break so far. First few days were a bit eh, due to parents yelling at me for reasons that just ??? don't?? really concern???? me????? Dad yelled at me on the first day 'cause I didn't call in when I landed. I mean, yeah? I get it but I was so sleepy I didn't even remember. Let me catch a break, man. I had went to a birthday dinner the night before so I was just tired in general. I wouldn't have remembered at all. But it's okay, I didn't let it get to me since I was already so out of it. Like, it got to the point that when my cousin ordered maccas for her siblings and I held onto the two cups of coke, I didn't notice that some of it had actually spilt onto me. It was only when I felt something wet against my hand that I realised. I was just so. Dead. LOL Then the next day my mum yelled at me because I had decided to go out by myself and she wanted me to finish off stuff for my sister. The stuff that she wanted me to finish was just sister's uni stuff, but the thing was that I was never told that I was meant to do it? She never said anything about it - about me doing it that is. Then my mum went off at me at the end of the day for going out by myself and not taking the siblings along with me, for taking my cousin’s car and driving, and for going out without asking my cousin for permission if I could go. I had a really nice day on that day so I didn’t let it get to me, luckily. Even though I’m in a different state I clearly can’t catch a break from my parents. HAHAHAHA feels bad Aside from that they haven’t exactly yelled at me ever since. Which is a good thing, I’m enjoying my trip so far. Except, I feel like my dad has been grinding our gears because he called my sister and was just lecturing her on how we should clean the sink and help out and stuff; we offer (well, my siblings offer since I’ve been coming home late...) but my cousin always kicks them out. Maybe I should just use the last day to just do chores LOL, actually yeah I might do that hmm hmm |