#SleepyPhilosophy - 1. People Sunday, 28 February 2016 | 0 comment[s] "What if people could understand each other?" You know, it would be nice if people could understand each other. If they did then we wouldn't have to deal with all the misunderstandings; we wouldn't have to fight; we wouldn't have to hurt others; the suicide rate would be so much more lower. If people could then discrimination wouldn't happen. But we can't because that's how society is. In order to make one feel better of themselves they usually put another one down. All this fighting is utter nonsense if they serve no purpose. For example, what's the point of making all this stuff up just because you don't want that person to come along? Just be straight up about it and the latter party can try to be understanding. Things like that serve no purpose because not only are you making the other party look bad, you're unknowingly giving yourself a bad name once people find out that what all you said was utter lies. There's just no point in doing that. It would be so much more lovely if people could understand each other. Then they would know if there's a certain line they must not cross — resulting in less anger-filled world. I won't say that anger will be gone but it will be subsided. There wouldn't be as much grudges as there are now. If people they could understand each other than there would be less people on the streets - people would be more giving. They'd understand what would happen. Maybe they could be: "Oh, I understand that you couldn't do anything about being unemployed. I understand that it's hard to do the things you want if you're living off others' scraps. Oh, here's some money to help make your life a bit easier." Sparing a bit of money isn't hard to do. Maybe just a dollar or two can buy them a meal. If people could understand each other then they would know how hard it would be to living on the streets, under perhaps a park bench with everyone else looking down their noses at you. If you want faith to be restored in humanity then maybe it should begin with you. But then again, if you think about it. How do relationships grow? It's through fighting and then reaching a mutual understanding where one's relationship will become stronger. Because if you fight then sure, it'll seem like a painful thing but the end result is that your relationship will be better as a result since you'll know that person better. Fights are where people can get a better look at the other at a deeper level. Fighting has two outcomes: for the better or for the worst. Let me take couples for example. They can fight and fight but what's the point of fighting if their relationship doesn't grow? What's the point if they don't reach a consensus? If they just fight without any solid result then they're just hurting themselves. Result? They split, looking for other people to give their heart to. But that's for the worst. If they fought and reached an agreement then their bond will grow. And who knows, maybe it'll reach the point where they'll tie the knot. And from my point of view, personally? Fighting is necessary in order to keep a relationship strong, stable and not... "tedious" in some cases. So don't fight for no reason but fight when it's necessary. It's okay to be understanding and accepting but if you do it all the time... It'll just be the same repeat over and over again.
Suggested by Mr. K.