Effort Thursday, 12 November 2015 | 0 comment[s] So I sent him a message the night before his IPT exam, wishing him good luck. I honestly don't know what happened but it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I guess... I'm trying to change things one way or another. About a term ago, I wrote these little quotes on my friend's planner and one of them was: "Take action for the things you want to happen". I could've used that during our dating period 'cause there was some things I guess I wanted to happen but just didn't because one, my timing was bad and two, I guess I just didn't have the guts to do them. I know I said that I was going to stay out of his life because it seemed as though that was something he wanted me to do but I also said that I wanted to sort things out. So in order to do that I guess I'm just trying to ease into it one way or another - just show him that I still care. But yesterday... I realised something. I thought that I had given up on him but when I was looking through a profile on instagram all I could think of was him. Like this image here popped up and the first thing I thought of was "Too bad. That could've been us hey, Peter?"
But when I was looking through these photos my heart just throbbed. It hurt. I really miss him y'know? Yeah, I've accepted the fact that we've broken up. Yes, I know that it's near impossible of us ever getting back together. But I guess... I just really loved him that much haha.