ブãƒãƒƒã‚¯ Friday, 31 October 2014 | 0 comment[s] Block Basically for the whole week, I had block exams. Four exams for four subjects. Fun. 17/11 First day was English exam. My god, I swear my sheet was so damn messy. You were meant to write a draft before producing a final but like I knew I wasn't going to have time to actually do that so I rushed it. Used my "draft" as my final. Lololol. 18/11 Second day was maths a and chemistry exam. Maths a was easy-peesy! *places emphasis on easy* I just really hope that it'll be able to boost me up to an A at least. And then there was chemistry... Oml. Like, seriously. I don't even want to talk about this but yeah. Might as well to preserve memories haha. So like, basically all I did for revision was numeracy because that was the sheet we were given and that was all I did. Before the exam I was so pumped but the moment I go in and look at the questions... I didn't even know what to do. I swear to god I failed that exam. 19/11 Maths b and Japanese exam. Maths b was surprisingly easy except for the first two questions of M&PS - I basically just went "what the hell am I supposed to do?" But I had a thought on how to do it but sadly, if didn't know how to express it. :( Made me slightly sad but yeah. For Japanese, I did some last minute alterations on my speech that I barely just memorised. In the end, I got an A- which I'm not satisfied with to be honest. Sigh. Especially because my reading was an A-/B+ so I really want to boost it up somehow. 20/11 I had this day off and all I did was just watch anime. I watch the most random animes ever. LMFAO. I don't even know how I started watching this current one, I think it was because I started it ages ago and finally got around to it. Lol. 21/11 I brought a cake to school for Minori's farewell party and I guess it was quite a hit. Despite the fact that the cake was really melting by the end of it. LOL. OH WELLLSSSS. Afterwards was.... MERIT CEREMONY!!! Was a bit disappointed at the fact that I didn't receive an award for being at school all year but sigh. Nothing I can do about it. But everything was better when it came to announcing the captains. CORINDA STATE HIGH SCHOOL, MEET YOUR NEW MULTICULTURAL CAPTAIN OF 2015!! Was so happy about that I felt like jumping up and down. HAHAHA. BUTT, it was contained so luckily for me. But, I do feel bad for Phu though, when I asked him about it on the bus he sounded so sad. :( I felt so bad. But that was the end of block exam week and the last day of school before CAMPPPP!!! Hella excited for it. EHEHEHEHE.