メルボルン Wednesday, 1 October 2014 | 0 comment[s] Melbourne Pre-Melbourne So after constantly begging my parents to let me go visit my cousins (well, my first-cousin once removed...), they let! :D Yeeee! Haven't seen her for so long actually. Last time I met her was... About five or four years ago? Been a really long time is all I know, lol. Well, I left to go to Melbourne on the 24 September and I came back to Brisbane on the 4 October. Packing was fun. Packed the day before so I somewhat rushed it. I left like a huge gap for my aunt so that she could bring gifts to her daughter (the one I'm staying with) but by the end of it I ended up having to move everything. Well, not me that is. My mum did. We ended up moving my clothes to the back of the luggage and left a whole compartment for her and her gifts. LOL. Melbourne 24/09 I woke up at four just to get ready. Got the the airport... And I spewed. ._. Man, this always happens. It's not even funny anymore. When I got on there was this man sitting in my seat. It turned out that he was in the seat behind, at aisle 17 but he was sitting in mine, at 16. He tried to move but really, I felt bad for him that he had to move so I told him it was okay and just sat in his seat instead. I slept for the whole ride when I was meant to finish reading my readers' cup book. Man, I can't even finish this stupid book. It's so boring I can't even stand it. I get the idea and everything but I swear, we're gonna come last this year. I need to re-read another book by 6 October so that's going to be a big issue. When I woke up... I felt so sick. I wanted to vomit but I couldn't be bothered and didn't know if the toilets were open to actually do it. When the plane landed it was so bumpy that I had to actually take deep breaths so that I didn't vomit all over the place. I got out and well, I felt a bit lost so I just followed everyone else. Good thing I did since they led me to the baggage claim and toilets. I, of course, went to the bathroom to spew. I was literally holding it in the whole time so yeah. Got my luggage, went outside and called my cousin. Turns out that they were inside. ._. LOL. I felt so out of place just waiting near the exit with this gigantic 25kg luggage. La-da-di-da-da, unpacked and what not and then just hung out with my cousin's daughter, Emmy. First thing we do: She plays with my face using make up. I swear I looked like Ms Chen... LOL. Well, just a tiny bit so I don't really know. :p I also got a call from my aunt saying that was in Melbourne too. :o! I was honestly surprised considering that they came only a day before me. LOL. Talked a bit and that was it. I didn't even see them the whole time they were there. Enemy's psychics teacher came and during int time while she was getting help from her tutor, I did my maths assignment. Well, I tried to. ._. I couldn't do maths b that much so I went ahead and did most of my maths a instead LOL. 25/09 and 26/09 These two days I basically just sat around at home playing the laptop and watched anime. ._. Oh, we did go out shopping to buy Amy and Kimmy the things they needed for their cosplay though. :o 27/09 Animaga! I went to this cosplay con as Meiko in my incomplete cosplay but oh wells. Was fun. Met my Emmy's boyfriend and her friends. The thing is that it was so awkward but I got over it... I think. Got there, followed my cousin's daughter but mainly Amy and Kimmy - the little ones since Emmy was with thingo. We met Kimmy's senpai! And Amy and I took photos with professional cosplaying sisters from Taiwan! Momo and Nene I think they were called. :p Oh yeah, I was searching for something to bring back as a souviner for my little brother and I found this plush Shaymin from Pokémon but because it was $15 I decided to go look for something else. But since I couldn't find anything about 15 minutes or more later, I went back to buy it... Problem was: I couldn't find it so I assumed it was already bought by someone else. So I just wondered around with Amy and Kimmy even more. After awhile, Kimmy came running back to us (since she disappeared for awhile) she was holding the Shaymin that I wanted (even though I had already bought my little brother a Sasuke charm). Man, I felt so bad so for the rest of the time, I tried to buy stuff for her but she wouldn't let me. "No one wants to use your money," Amy says. Made me so sad. :( But I managed to buy her a bookmark and $35 dollars worth of posters. HAHAHA. They were from her senpai so yeah. Walking around was tiring as hell but it was entertaining to see what they had. Like, there's this guy who had three hugging pillows and it was hilarious. Especially because the pillows were those somewhat revealing ones. And there was this chick (who cosplayed as Sakura Miku) who wanted to take a photo of me and this other chick (who cross dressed as Zero from Vampire Knight) wanted to take a photo with Amy who was cosplaying as Rima. Was funnnn. Afterwards, we were intending to go by tram to the city but according to a bystander (who Emmy's thingo asked) you just had to walk down and take some turns. We did all of that and by the end of it, I couldn't feel my feet because my boots were really tight. QQ It was so funny because all you could see were a girl as a maid (Misaki Ayuzawa), a girl in a red costume (Meiko Sakine), another girl in a white costume (Rima from Vampire Knight), another girl in somewhat casual clothes (IB - a game) and two guys just walking around. Most of the looks were directed at Emmy since she was the maid. OMFG HAHAHAHA THERE WAS THIS GUY, WHO WAS LIKE "I've been a naughty boy, please spank me." HAHAHAHAHA SOOOO FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAHA THE THING WAS, KIMMY, THE YOUNGEST OUT OF EVERYONE THERE, WAS THE ONE WHO HEARD IT. HAHAHAHAHA. There were guys who were flat out checking out Emmy and when she walked past they were looking her up and down. Was so funny. There was another guy but I forgot what he said though. I found it so amusing, especially how the only ones who heard then were Kimmy and Any, the two youngest of everyone on the day. We ate and then just hung around. LOL. We ended to go karaoke but we ended up at a bar where it wasn't for under 18's. HAHA. After that, we went home. Emmy and that just watched movies while I just watched anime and played games. HAHAHA. 28/09 We went to my cousin-in-law's brother's family gathering and ate. Well, I read bits and pieces of my book. And we ended up going to a park across the house. OMFG. IT WAS SO WINDY THAT I COULDN'T EVEN READ MY BOOK HAHAHAHAHA. So I just watched Emmy and Kimmy play on the playground together. We went in eventually. And I actually read a bit more. Yay. Lol jokes, I really dislike this book. So god damn boringgggg. I'm complaining about this book a lot but I can't help it. QQ So boring. Gah. 29/09 Watched anime and played games again. But this time, I slept early because I had been sleeping up late for the past couple of days. HAHAHA. Like, eleven to one?Really late for me considering I sleep at nine to ten most of the times. 30/09 I woke up early because my other cousin was also coming down to Melbourne. Both Emmy and I woke up 'cause of her alarm. HAHAHA. We literally just stared at each other sleepily and were like "Morning.." Before getting out and getting ready. OMG, I BLOODY WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (one in the morning) BECAUSE OF HER. HAHAHAHA. She was on her phone with her man and like, I literally laid there for about five minutes before saying something. HAHAHA. So awkward before I went back to sleep about half a hour later. ._. But yeah.. She literally changed and everything but I just stayed in my clothing. THIS WAS BECAUSE HER MUM DARED ME TO GO TO THE AIRPORT IN MY ONESIE HAHAHAHAHA. Emmy dared me too so I was like "Sure, why not?" And then when I was about to go out my cousin was like, "Are you seriously planning to go out in that?" Me: "Yeah, of course. You dared me to." Was so funny since she was like, "•_• Okay." HAHAHA. Emmy too. When I got to the airport I got so many weird looks but meh. Didn't care since I got several weird looks from the time at Animaga. HAHA. When I had to go past security in order to get to the waiting area, this officer was like "No kittys allowed." This other officer started giggling because of it too. HAHAHA. So sad. We picked them up, left, went home and then got ready to go out and eat. I ended up eating really little, considering that I already ate breakfast. Lol. I also ended up feeding my other cousin's kids coconut since they wanted some. Lmfao. Afterwards we just went home and played games I think... LOL. OH YEAH. We went to shop for simple things and then I got to bake! OMG. I didn't poison it for the first time. So glad. HAHAHAHAHA LOL JOKES. First time making cupcakes so yeah. :o 01/10 We pretty much went shopping on this day. ._. Fun. LOL. Especially when you do nothing but follow them around. HAHAHA OH YEAH, so like. I found the money that Kimmy tried hiding because she apparently owed me. The money which I used on her at animaga. IT WAS IN MY DAMN PHONE CASE. HAHAHAHAHA. She was like "WHAT EVEN MADE YOU LOOK IN THERE?!" And ran away from me. HAHAHAHA. To be honest, I don't even know why I looked in there. But yeah. Afterwards, went to my cousin's relatives place and just hung there basically. LOL. Ate but thinking back about it now... I didn't even eat much there. ._. Oh wells. LOL. 02/10 I think we went to the aquarium on this day? Yeah. It was fun. HAHAHA. The irony of eating fish and chips at an aquarium. But it was so much fun watching my cousin run away from lizards but ended up having her daughters carrying her to them. HAHAHAHA. She's scared of lizards so yeah. I wished I filmed it but oh wells. I witnessed quite a lot of stuff.... Like penguins kissing. ._. Well to be honest, it looked as though one of it was getting raped so I dunno. Awkward as hell. HAHAHAHA. 03/10 Went to a cake expo! There were no freebies but it was quite entertaining to watch my cousin fangirl HAHAHA. She's so cute. Especially when she managed to take a photo with one of her favourite bakers. She literally grabbed my arm and started squealing and jumping up and down. HAHAHA. We got lost for a bit because we ended up taking the wrong tram and getting there about half a hour late. The team literally went all around. HAHAHA. Whoops. But oh wells. Walked around and that was it. HAHAHA. I only bought macaroons but cousins bought baking materials. :p Was an interesting day altogether. HAHAHA. Had a dinner party afterwards and my god. I became a babysitter. Looking after the kids. And going down these slides with them.... GAH MY BACK HAHAHA My cousin started boasting because she was like "I don't have to go down the slide because all my kids are grown up" because her sister-in-laws had to go down the slides. HAHAHAH. I was like to Kimmy, "KIMMY, HELP ME CARRY YOUR MUM TO THE SLIDES!" She agreed 'cause earlier I was threatening her mum that I'd carry her up but she ran away and sat on a chair HAHAHAHA We went past Emmy and then she found out and she ended up carrying her up too. HAHAHAHAHA It was so funny. :') Afterwards, when we went home I was in a car with one of my cousins, Chi Yen, and on the road home she was like "Where's Anh Trong?" I answered that he was probably in the other cars. Chi Yen said probably but like less than five minutes later she was like, "Vy, can you call him?" Since she gave me her phone. HAHAHA. TURNS OUT, HE WAS STUCK THERE ALL BY HIMSELF. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FREAKING, it turned out that he was in the toilet and when he came out, everyone went home, leaving him their all alone. Was hella hilarious. But yeah. Got home. And I started packing up for my flight home. My dad caught me when I was on Facebook talking to friends and helping a friend with an assignment. But yeah. I went to bed at about 12 after getting everything ready. Even though my flight was at 7. HAHAHA 04/10 Woke up at four. Added a bit more to the final touches of my packing and I honestly felt as though something was up. ._. 'Cause my cousin didn't wake up until half a hour later so I got scared HAHAHA Yeah, got to the airport and then I had to force fifty dollars onto Emmy because her mum wouldn't take it. ._. I even got slapped because I tried giving her money. HAHAHA. I only wanted to give them money for their hospitality - since I didn't do anything for them. Lol. But eventually, Emmy took it. :D Post-Melbourne I got lost again so I followed people. ._. Honestly, I was planning to buy food and bring it home but I didn't know so I just walked off and went down some stairs... Which led me to the wrong baggage-claim. HAHAHAHA. Was hilarious. Because my mum called me and I ended up going the wrong way. HAHAHAHA. OH WELLLSSSS. Was nice to see my mum though. And my dad... Maybe. Got home and gave my family their souviners. HAHAHAHA. But yeah. The ten days in Melbourne were really fun, even if all I did was stay at home and play games and watch animes. HAHAHAHA. ---- Sorry about the late post. To make it up... Yeah.. I literally put ten days into one. HAHAHAHA OH AND HERE'S SOME PHOTOS! ... Lol jokes. Most of them are on Instagram anyways. Just go check it out there. :p |