傷心: Dark Blossom Wednesday, 17 September 2014 | 0 comment[s] So... I changed the template after a month lol. When I downloaded the template for the Dark World one, it looked pretty annoying to edit so I just took Vintage Blossom's one so yeah. I got really lazy so I cut a lot of stuff from it too. Like, an extra page and stuff. Lol. To be honest I took a break from blogging for a couple of reasons: 1 - I was lazy 2 - I didn't have time 3 - I wanted to change the template first 4 - I didn't want memories to resurface. Haha, yeah... Pretty much. I guess I'll be posting more often... Maybe. Reminds me, there was this time where I was laughing so hard during Japanese that I ended up crying. I think this was about two weeks ago but yeah. It was so hard to stop laughing but after awhile... I almost broke down to be honest. My lips were literally turning down at the corners that I had to stop myself from laughing otherwise I really would've broken down then. Haha. Yeah... I still haven't broken down ever since everything happened; been holding it off until the holidays... Which, I don't think is going to happen either. Parents are thinking about taking the family to Melbourne after my constant nagging to visit my cousin over there. Welp, tears are going to stay down for awhile I guess. |