傷心: Dance Thursday, 14 August 2014 | 0 comment[s] So I've been having dance practice for multicultural night but the thing is... Is that I had trouble since I felt faint. LOLOL. After the first two sets I felt really faint. Like, when the reversal was done I just laid on the floor and almost fell asleep. Except I couldn't since I got teary but yeah. Didn't help since I had my English oral right afterwards. :c Like, I would've done a lot better than I would've liked since normally when I'm tired as heck, I'm high. But... Having feeling disorientated mentally and physically, I just couldn't go high. So I didn't do as well as I hoped in the oral as I hoped I would. Honestly, I just wished that my neck didn't have to crack in the middle of it. Freaking cramped during the middle of it and I was like "GAAHHH" LOL. I couldn't move my neck at all. Sigh. If only I did better. Wanted to get an A in this assessment too. Sigh. Hopefully I did. But I doubt it. :( Okay, so I was meant to clean my room and do my homework but I swear, I keep on getting distracted that I always end up not doing it. QQ like, earlier I was meant to finish my maths a homework... /ends up playing games instead. HAHAHA, GOD DAMN IT. SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS PROCRASTINATION :( Which reminds me. I needed to do my Japanese and Maths B homework too... Crap. LOL WELP. Was trying to edit the layout but I got lazy and one of the photos which I took half a hour editing was actually too small. :c I got so frustrated. I don't even know if this new one would work. LMFAO. IT'S JUST SO SMALL :( But yeah... I'm tearing again but this time because my eyes are hurting and not from the pain in my chest. Lmfao. So yeah. Night everyone.