æ„›: A Week Behind Wednesday, 11 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] I'm literally a week behind for my Maths B stuff man. Like, it's so frustrating because I need to do so much before the exam next Wednesday and I am so scared for it... English too. Man, I wanted to work on it today so that I could get my teacher to read it and comment on it. :/ But I couldn't since my family went out to eat for my dad's birthday yesterday. Lmfao. Wew. Oh wells. So like, I FINALLY showed my music teacher my composition 'cause like, she kept on walking around and I didn't bother showing it to her then and now. I regret it. 'Cause if I showed it to her then I would've gotten more time to do what she wants me to do - freaking change the melody. Honestly, she say's it's cringy but I think it's because I'm really monotone. HAHAHAHA. WOOOOOOO. So like, she told me I passed so I want to get to at least a B in order to have a shot at getting an A. Haha. Whoopty-doo. Other than that, I had my speaking exam for Japanese and I can't freaking believe... I forgot the word for "Happy". :| Ironically, I had "sad" and "lonely" stuck in my head. Heh. Might be because I was talking to Annie as to what my post ("Catching Up") was about and why I wrote it. Really, it was just a rant and then Annie starts saying that no one left me and no one will. To be honest, if only that applied to what has happened in the past. Haha. But yeah. I feel bad, after talking to Annie about it 'cause it would seem.. As though I've made several people upset. Honestly, I felt bad because of that and I guess, that's the reason why I had "sad" and "lonely" stuck in my head. Lmfao. |