æ„›: Ice Skating Monday, 30 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] Soooo, I woke up about seven just so I could talk to my mum about the money things relating to the outing. But in the end, she was like "Just ask your dad." Okeeee. Looks like I just woke up for no reason. HAHAHAHA OH WELLS. I just got onto the computer and started playing games. Lmfao. When it was time to go (which was about three hours or so later), we, my siblings and I, went to go pick up Tammy and Ha before we went to the ice rink. We got slightly lost and turned right instead of left. LOLOL. And by the time we got there it was slightly late than the time which we arranged. We ended up meeting one of our friends instead who was in her van. LOL. Was so funny since we stood outside for about half a hour trying to call our friend... WHO WAS ACTUALLY INSIDE THE RINK. LOL. My god, stood outside in the cold wind for no reason QQ. We got in, put on our skates (I actually got my size right for once :D!), and.... clung to the edge... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. MY GODDDD. IT WAS SO SCARY. When I first stepped on... I slipped so bad and almost fell on my ass. HAHAHA. And then... My siblings joined and then gradually everyone else joined. Vanessa did a swell job at first with her confidence man. Like, she barely clung to the edge after the first hour and she learned by herself too. QQ I only got the hang of it after a new friend, Catherine, taught me. With a lot of patience. HAHAHA. After awhile, majority went to go get food so I went too. Friends were drinking and eating. Siblings too. So I just ate the stuff I brought. ._. Not gonna use money there since the food was expensive af. A cup of hot chips was four dollars. Not worth it. #stingyasian LOLOL. I tried teaching Vincent afterwards... He got it... Then he went "NOPE. VY. GET ME BACK TO THE EDGE. THE MOST SAFE SPOT." And then when I did, I went ahead... And then he ended up slipping and falling onto his back.. Fucking rude af chicks started laughing at him too. Holy shit I wanted to smack their faces so that they could fall. == I literally started scrambling back to him and by the time I got to him, he got up and was getting out of the rink. When I started talking to him he looked as though he was gonna cry. Man, I felt so worried. :( Somewhere near the end, Catherine ended up cutting her fingers like holy ouch. QQ Apparently, she was standing and then these little kiddies bumped into her and she fell. Then this other chick apparently cut her? I'm not sure but yeah. She ended up bleeding so much as a result too QQ Three cutes. Two on her index finger and another on her palm or something. Like owwwww. I am so glad I didn't get cut today. :s After that, went home. Two hours later my sister, parents and I (brother went to cousin's house during this time), we walked to the shops to buy milk. HAHAHA. On the way there, mum was like "Oh. Vy's actually not that big. She's quite short. Haven't even reached 160cm have you?" I'm like: "You make me sad mummy. :c" Self-esteem dropping. HAHAHAHA. WEW. But yeah. We only went for milk... Nekminnit... You see me grabbing biscuits and whatnot. HAHAHAHAH SHUT UP BABE, I KNOW I'M FAT. HAHAHAHAHAHA :3 But yeah. My hand bruised after the outing but oh wells. Still fun nonetheless. Thanks to Kyle for the invite, Catherine for teaching me how to skate, Vanessa, for making me fall freaking twice (she pulled me down the first time and then kicked my skate the second in less than a three-minute interval QQ), and everyone else who made it a fun day. :D Despite the frost bite which I received countless times and my constant yearning for Davison to be there with me. :') |