æ„›: I PASSED Tuesday, 24 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] OMG, I PASSED MATHS B. HAHAHAHAH YESSSS. HELL YEAHHH. AM SO HAPPY. But when I got the exam back, I found out that I did stupid as hell mistakes... And what made me sad was that I was so close to getting an A- 'cause I had B+ for one of them BUT LIKE... I didn't get it... 'Cause I did't answer two of the questions. Sigh. So sad. But yeah, was so happy about that so yeaaah. Lmafo. I started finishing my little brother's request from last year to draw Tsuna and I only started it now sooooo... yeaaahhh.. :p Man, this is gonna take a while to finish. Lmfao. Trying to convince my mum to let me go to year 11 camp 'cause I don't want to miss out on anything so yeah. :o Lisa said it was the best thing out of her whole high school time but Vuong said it wasn't worth it so I don't know.. But I do wanna go and try though lmfao. OH WELLSSSS |