æ„›: God damn Tuesday, 10 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] So like, today was my dad's birthday... It totally slipped my mind... And I feel so bad and awful... Because I only remembered when I saw it on Facebook like... Holy damn.. LOL I am so bad... :/ But yeah... I am so confused with the money stuff in maths a and it's just so confusing.. Makes me so sad. Sigh. IF I'M GETTING THIGNS WRONG FOR MATHS A THEN I AM SO SCREWED FOR MATHS B LIKE. URGH. Sad life. QQ AND NOW. I be trying to fix my iPhone 'cause of mum. :s So much procrastination when I should be doing my English... HAHAHA. SIGHHHH. Honestly, I had more things to put up but since dad be freaking raging at me. No point. >> Just like yesterday too. God damn it. But yeah.. Oh wells. |