æ„›: FINALLY Sunday, 15 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] OMG YES. FINALLY. NO MORE PIANOOOO. HAHAHAHAHA. After how long, I finally finished all my testing even though there was only two... My god, I finally finished after who knows how long. I got like a certificate for completing grade one... Lololol. Well, I won't be going down the music pathway anymore so... Really, I don't need it but yeah. Lmfao. But yeah, nothing else really happened really. Started working on my English since it's due in two days. QQ. Am so scared for all my exams. I also hope, when Ms Seto-Payne comes, I can talk to her about Mrs Thompson because nowadays, I have this like, thing against her. I am so paranoid that she's marking too harshly for our class's speaking exam... :/ I really hope, that when Ms Seto-Payne comes back I can go talk to her about it. QQ LIKE, ONE OF MY FRIEND WHO NORMALLY GETS A's, GOT A B- APPARENTLY. LIKE, WTF. URGH, I HOPE NOT. >:( |