æ„›: EEI Thursday, 5 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] Starting on my Chemistry EEI and my god, I swear I hate these EEIs. They're so freaking time consuming and it just pisses me off so much. I'm glad, I'm only doing one science. Lmfao. I don't think I'd be able to cope with doing two sciences. Hopefully I'd be able to pass Vuong once he gets his OP. Since I really can't be bothered on trying to pass my uncle with an OP 2, or my cousin's OP 3 or my other cousin's OP 4 or my mum's OP 5. :/ Man, I just want to past Vuong at least. LOL Or my mum hopefully. So like, I found out today that Nina said this jokingly: "Viv: *starts a white out repair company*" LOL. This was because I fixed Suzanne's white out yesterday and I fixed Annie's a few weeks ago too so yeah. LMFAO. I think this is because I break mine so often that I've gotten used to fixing white out dispensers. LOL. WHICH REMINDS ME. I've been using too much white out. I feel so guilty... Finishing two dispensers in like, three weeks. :s Man, I really need to cut down on that. But yeah, today, I guess I've gotten into a habit regarding my Maths B homework.. HAHAHA. Really, I don't touch the homework until after Friday or something and then I work it at tutor. Which.. Reminds me... I have to do piano. Freaking hell man, I just want to quit already but I at least want to pass the exam and stuff so I can get something out of it. Was so not worth it. Was alright at first... I've just grown to dislike it. LOL. :/ Found out that Suzanne extended the sponsoring until August. Welp, looks like it's gonna be on the day of my birthday. OH WELLS. HAHAHA. Today, to be honest, I kept on checking my phone because I was so accustomed to messaging Davison and I felt lonely 'cause there was no message. :c Made me feel sad but oh wells. Haha. Welp, time for me to stop procrastinating. :/ I have so much to do and yet I'm procrastinating so much... QQ |