æ„›: Awkward Thursday, 12 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] So, I realised that I'm... actually kind of awkward. It turns out, I made Suzanne sad because of what I said on the post and I felt bad and I wanted to tell her it was okay but.. I felt awkward in doing so I couldn't haha. But I guess I'll say it here: Look, Suzanne. It's okay. Don't worry about it because like I said. I'm used to getting hurt by now. To be honest, your actions isn't as bad as what has happened to me in my previous years; getting back stabbed by my ex-best friend, my family problems (to which I must say, teachers almost got involved with. Woooo.) and having my heart broken a few times. So it's okay. Don't worry about it. Don't be sad anymore. Otherwise Annie really will poop on you. :/ Because honestly, I don't want people to be feeling sad over this - over that post. It's not worth it. Rather you should be focusing on your exams and not on me. I don't want to be the reason as to why you end up getting upset over nothing. Haha. So don't worry about it and please, don't feel like poop about it. And to Annie for our conversation from yesterday: She is closer to you. I'm serious. Even if she's known me for longer doesn't mean anything. The amount of times you guys have talked to each other is greater than the times I've talked to her about things. To be honest, she doesn't tell me "practically everything". The "everything" that I actually know is what I literally have to force out of her. And really, it makes me feel like crap having to force someone to open up because it just means (in my opinion) that they don't trust me enough. You guys do share things in common. You both play the piano well, you both have a sweet tooth (despite she not liking chocolate), you're both good at Vietnamese (heh) and like, you guys both are good at Japanese. I know they're the results of over-thinking.. It started because I was over-thinking about one thing and I just started typing about everything I've felt for the past few weeks. Lmfao. I don't jump to conclusions - they're not even conclusions. They're just my thoughts and how I feel about things. I can't not forget the things that people have done for me to show that they care for me. To be honest, at times, I feel as though I'm just another issue someone has to deal with. Key word; AT TIMES. So good thing I don't feel like that much anymore. Either way, I know that people care for me. I know that they won't leave me. But sometimes, I've really just have to rant so that it doesn't eat me up like it did when I was in grade eight and nine. Oh and also. I DO NOT HAVE A FAT FACE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Lol jokes. (I blogged it like you said I would Suzanne. Lmfao.) Any how.... I AM FINALLY UP TO THE REVISION SHEETS FOR MATHS B. WHOOOO. Lmfao. I really need to work faster in Maths a as well because really.. I've had the sheet for two lessons and like, my friend already caught up to me in one lesson. Lmfao. I am so slow. :| Have to get ready for English as well... And then there's my chemistry... And then my Japanese... My god I am so going to stress out. QQ HOPEFULLY, Davison doesn't mind me ranting to him about it non-stop. HAHAHA. Except, I don't really have the right to since he has it worst than me. :/ WHICH REMINDS ME... THIS GUY HERE. OMFG. I JUST WANNA PINCH HIS CHEEKS SO BADLY. So like, I've been planning to send him the box of cranes for awhile now and when I ask him if he wants me to hold onto it or send it... He goes "It's your choice." MY GOD I JUST WANNA PINCH HIS CHEEKS TO THEY'RE RED. LIKE URGH. Especially because we've been at it for awhile and GOING IN A FREAKING CIRCLE. HAHAHAHAHA. When I finally got him to answer properly instead of "It's your choice :3", my god I just started grinning so much. HAHAHA. Was laughing and grinning and I swear my little brother was giving me the "wtf" face. :p Gosh this guy. Really am going to pinch his cheeks red one day. |