æ„›: Alluring Fictions Monday, 9 June 2014 | 0 comment[s] So I spent a couple of hours last night editing the whole template my story blog (alluringfiction.blogspot.com.au if you didn't know) and I actually like the template. To be honest, I think it probably would've suit better for this blog since the template gives more of a "my life" vibe then a story vibe. LOL But yeah. Nothing much happened today. Slept in for a hour and was going to sleep longer when I remembered I felt something like a text so I checked. Was one from Davison. I dunno, just seeing a text from him first thing I see in the morning made me smile. :3 Did stuff for awhile before parents took us out to eat. The thing is, I didn't even know we were going out to eat. I didn't even hear it. And my mum got pissed off because we weren't prepared or anything. Like, how was I meant to know if they don't even tell us man. Honestly. I asked my mum and she said she was sleeping so how the hell was I meant to know? God damn it. After that we went to one of the asian markets to buy some snacks. LOL. Sister bought like... Two packets of green tea pocky (which I swear, she isn't going to share with me. :c), brother bought three packs of hi-chew gum (which he finished a pack and a half in a hour or so...) while I bought some chocolate stuff. :o I dunno, I felt like tasting some new stuff so yeah. Since there was a shop to which my sister and I wanted to go into last time we were at sunny bank but it was close at the time, we decided to see if it was open today. It was! :D We just went through the aisle and stuff to see if there was anything interesting. They were selling DVDs for half price but like. Yeah. I didn't buy any since there weren't any that was interesting. But I guess I did want to buy a new pencil case... Then again... I kind of have a bit too much so yeah... HAHAHAHA. Yikes. Went to the other side of sunny bank. I bought two books! :D YAY! The second and third book of "The blood of Eden novel". I read and borrowed the first from the Inala library so yeah. (Off topic but which reminds me. I have to pay $0.80 just to put a book on hold. I BLAME THE FREAKING SCHOOL FOR RETURNING THE BOOK TO THE WRONG LIBRARY. URGH. /fliptable.) I got new flats because my other ones were broken. :c The inside of the flats broke. HAHAHA. This was because when I wore them in Vietnam and what not, there were these parts that were poking and it hurt like hell so... My cousin.. Used a lighter to burn it off. Nekminnit. He left a hole in the net-like-thing? HAHAHA I don't even know what it's called. After that, we walked around and since sister wanted to go to morning glory, we did. I bought two boxes of origami paper and now I can finally finish making those cranes! YAY! :D Sister took forever to choose something though.. Like seriously. I had to wait so long and she didn't even buy anything. Wew. Went home afterwards and well, yeah. Just started downloading movies and then went to aunt to eat. Holy crap man. Every time I go over there and the little kiddies around they would instantly want to get piggy backs. LOL. I texted Davison and was like "When you meet my cousins, you're gonna have to piggy back them." So he can share the load. Hehehe. Because today, I struggled to carry two at the same time. LOL. I'm not sure if it's because I've grown weak or because they're growing up. HAHAHA. Either way I struggled so much. I'm just glad that the third didn't ask at the same time but asked earlier. :p Yeah, came home and edited a bit more on my story blog. I made a Facebook page for it too. :D https://www.facebook.com/alluringfictions?ref=hl Woooo. LOL. Good enough. Need to add a cover and everything though and I just hope. This page is actually successful. |