æ„›: Frisbee Throwing Sunday, 27 April 2014 | 0 comment[s] So after tutor (to which I managed to finish my maths B assignment. Omg, yay.) My family and I got invited to a birthday party to which I never found out about until today LOL. Apparently, during work or something, my dad received a call from my cousin to invite our family to a party and whatnot. He completely forgot about it. Lololol. And so, this was what lead my family and I, up to a park (I forgot the name despite my efforts on trying to look for the name of the park lololol) and at a barbecue with my relatives and my cousin's friends. I brought along my maths b homework but like, I ended up not doing it at all lols. Ended up playing around with my first-cousins-removed (Mylan). LOL I hate these family terms, so hard to talk about. Like, one of them filled my hat up with grass and then tried to make me wear it. ._. LOL. While she was doing that, I was watching one of my other cousin (Alex) play 13 with some adults and I swear, he should've listened to me when I told him what to do. Lololol, he mainly lost at times but yeah. Then there was my other first-cousin-removed (Nhi/Kathleen, Nhi's her Vietnamese name) who KEPT THROWING THE GOD DAMN FRISBEE EVERY SINGLE TIME I TRIED TO GET BACK INSIDE LOL. Like, after playing around with my other cousin (Chau) for awhile, Kathleen ended up taking the frisbee and continuously threw it to the far side of the oval when we were called in to sing the birthday song. QQ Made me feel like a dog lmfao. Continuously had to go catch it. Funny thing was that she would literally yell out "FETCH!" and when I would jog away with the frisbee, she would give me a wet hug. ._. 'Cause she went swimming before that and like... CHLORINEEEE. Was not cool. Lmfao. But overall, I guess it was a fun day. Chau challenged me to climb up this spiderweb-like tower and then when I went up she was like "I'll race you down." AND THE THING WAS, SHE WAS ALREADY HALF WAY NEAR THE BOTTOM LOL. I could've gotten to the end if I chose to jump through the gaps but nahhhhh. I got into trouble when I did that last time and some adult went off at me. Lmfao. After cake (which I admit, ate one and a half piece - I just wanted the red velvet. huehuehue. It was also sweet as hell too.) my little brother challenged Vanessa, Chau, and two of my other first-cousins-removed. LOL. I ended up getting up there first and then my little brother was like "OH WTH VY YOU CHEATED. YOU HACKER. NAH, NAH, THIS IS RIGGED." LOLOL. Was so funny. Oh wells, at least I managed to finish my maths b (calculations part). Also, sorry boo. For not telling you about the party haha. I felt bad when you said I made you look like an idiot on ask. Haha. :p Red part = edits. DAVISON HERE KEEPS ON CORRECTING ME AHAHAHAHAH Thought I was the grammar nazi. |